What is the LineageOS-Device-Finder about?
There are hundreds of compatible devices. Therefore, it is often very difficult to find the right device that is supported and meets the personal requirements. Finally, LineageOS Device Finder comes into play and helps to find about what you need.
Especially smartphones and tablets run much faster with it! Made for people who don’t want to compromise on security and longevity. For more information and the latest news, visit the official website.
About us
The team behind this website are people just like you and me. We love LineageOS so much that we created this fantastic website. Hoping to help people all over the world to use LineageOS on their favourite device, this web service will be continuously improved.
Since LineageOS is free, we also offer this service for free. Affiliate programs, advertising or donations cover our costs for running this website. Feel free to checkout one of our partners:
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This website is very, very useful and I thank you very much for your work. However, there many other alternative ROMs with various coverage of Android devices. While many are based on Lineage, some are not and AFAIK there are situations where another ROM covers a device Lineage doesn’t. Many people (including me) just want to escape Google and are less concerned about using LOS specifically and more about the ability to install some trusted, privacy-friendly alternative on their own. Finding what ROMs work on which phone and checking whether they are trustworthy is a painful process.
Would you be interested in creating a website that would serve as a user-friendly database about which devices are supported by which one of the major trusted ROMs, along with their basic specs which you already show?
I would also suggesting tuning down the quiz a little – it’s a nice idea, but needs some work and it’s way too aggressive appearing on every single page.
Hi Ponda,
thank you for your comment and thank you for your feedback! Does the Quizz appear for you on every page? Normally it should just show once per session.
I really like the idea to enlarge this page to some kind of alternative-rom-finder. But there are two difficulties that are hindering me. First I don’t know any database about alternative google free Phones/ROMs that we could use, so maintaining our own database would be very time expensive. And the other problem is that it’s all alot of work. The monetisation of this page is still only enough to pay for the hosting fees. Even that the quizz is a good thing I know that the actual implementation is a bit buggy, ugly and should have way more questions and branches. I would love to hire to professional quizz maker or spend at least one day per week in working on this page. But raising my kids beats out many interesting secondary activities such as improving this LineageOS-Device-Finder page.
I think the key is volunteers and/or improved google ranking. So far I see on page SEO is quite good, but we really need off-page SEO which means Back-Links. Placing backlinks is not that hard. I found an easy way to place high-quality links, but it needs at least one hour per week of reliable (research and writing) work. If you have any further Ideas, please let me know. :-)
Best regards,